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Who knows what crazy plan will be hatched next.. Lets all wait and see!!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Sunrise video

As probably most of you by now would have figured out, each morning I get up and trot down to the beach and take a photo of the sunrise. Why do I do it?
Well, for a start its not to try and make anyone jealous or prove any silly games of one up man ship, its because I am an early riser by nature and I find so much solace in that part of the day. No matter what has happened the day before this is a new day! It is a clean slate free from any of the baggage or emotions from the past. It is ready for us to make of it what we will. I get so much peace at that time of the morning and am constantly amazed by how many days are spectacular.
 So my friends, this is my humble little offering to those who care to take the time to have a look each day or at this video to such an apt song. I hope you find it inspiring, beautiful or even just a time for a few deep breaths to remember how good life really is.
thank you
sunrises (please click on this)

Ps. This is my first attempt at posting a link so I hope it works. Please let me know if it doesn't happen!

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