Hi, thanks for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy the adventures. Dont be afraid to say hello.

Who knows what crazy plan will be hatched next.. Lets all wait and see!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Merry Christmas

 Well friends one and all, Merry Christmas!! I sit in my study waiting for Santa to visit the street having watched a mixture of people displaying extra ordinary acts of Christmas gratitude whilst others buckle under the pressure of the festive season!
Clyclone Fina(now ex) is lashing the coast with extraordinarily good waves with a good dousing of rain to boot, meaning we have had some great surf at Noosa Point. Wild Goose (my boat) is nestled safely under the lee of Fraser Island and waits our arrival.
As our German festivities wind down and we prepare for two weeks out on the boat, I have some time to pause and reflect on 2011.

The highlights for the year include's our motor bike ride from Brisbane to Adelaide and back taking in the breathtaking eastern seaboard, the Great Ocean Road, Kangaroo Island and so many legendary places on the way. Nearly 4000km were filled with bonding, bends and endless country towns and incredible coastlines. Having spread the journey over 6 months gave me ample time to plan and visit many places and was a definite focus for an extended time.

Stepping off the bike for a moment there was also a fantastic week at Airlie Beach for race week and the subsequent adventures bringing Razzamatazz back to Mooloolaba. Mike, Banjo and Mal put a taste for racing and the comradeship back that I had long forgotten.

Two years ago I decided I would take a picture of the sunrise and post it on social media to;
 a) remind people that I was still around
b) inspire people to see the beauty of each day
c) Having been reminded of the beauty to be motivated to clean up even just a little bit.
    Who would ever have guessed my humble action would lead to so much involvement with our local ABC radio broadcaster, a calendar and the early mumblings of a book! Such a long way to go but I am so motivated and appreciate the generous response from my morning photos!

The other creative side is this blogsite and to that end I am humbled that over 2,500 people have taken the time to read my stories. I am very conscious that there is a lot out there and try to keep my stories as interesting and informative as possible.

So as we head off to celebrate the past year, I look forward to 2012 with optimism that although there is so much stuff going on around the world, that we live in an inherently beautiful universe which has so much to offer if we can raise above all the rubbish trying to bog us down and get out there where the sun shines and the world shows its power and glory and majesty if you care to look!!

Please enjoy and I look forward to sharing my adventures in the new year
Thank You,

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