Hi, thanks for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy the adventures. Dont be afraid to say hello.

Who knows what crazy plan will be hatched next.. Lets all wait and see!!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Morning Glory Photography

Sun Salute

Life is exciting isn't it!
Two years ago I began taking pictures of the sunrise to basically let people know I was still around and share my favourite part of the day. I also wanted to try and draw attention to our beautiful environment and be a small voice for it.
Last year the local ABC radio station began to post my morning pics and so began a time of mutual backslapping and appreciation. Rob, the presenter has been really encouraging and supportive in my creative efforts and taking this whole thing to a new level.
Turns out Sunshine Coast tourism are very interested in my photographs and the support base through the radio Facebook page has been ultra encouraging.
So here I stand now on the cusp of a new and surprising venture. I have always thought the world to be an oyster of amazing possibilities just needing to be opened, but as I dip my toe into the world of web pages, promotion and general profile lifting I feel like Im standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon of opportunity and whilst very exciting more than just a little daunting!
With the help of Rob I am also looking at being able to begin some clean up campaigns beginning with  Fraser Island and Wide Bay Bar area giving this whole energy some credence for the initial vision.
 I am trying to take little steps and I am sure there will be some falls on the way so I appreciate your patience and feedback as I enter into the unknown.
I love my I phone and its attachments

One other issue for me has been that being a tad lazy on the organisation front I have always taken my pics on the I phone so I could download them from their rather than having to come home and put on the computer to send which seemed like too much work. I am not sure if anyone else cares but I have started carrying around a real camera and booked into a photography course which I am very excited about and so not all of the pics will be from the phone now. I will try to tell when they are not but please enjoy anyway. One of the pleasures for me is to find something beautiful in each day and share.  No two days are the same and some days, lets face it are more challenging than others!!
Please feel free to visit Morning Glory Photography on Facebook - leave a comment or press the like button or share with your friends if you think they will like, but most of all ENJOY!!
Behind the dunes at Sunshine Beach

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